Monday, November 19, 2012

Plant More Trees

There is no denying the importance of trees. They are important to maintain the ecological balance and an important source of energy. But over the years, several commercial activities have lead to deforestation at a massive scale. The result, we all know, is less forest cover and a poor ecological balance. So, if you wish to save the earth and the environment, it is high time you start planting more trees right away.
Plants and trees are intimately connected with our life and well-being. It boons and benefits derived from them are too many to count. They provide shelter, food, fruits, fodder, wood, timber, medicine, oxygen; check soil- erosion, pollution and floods. They also check very effectively the spread of the desert and landslides. They are essential to maintain ecological balance and preservation of fauna. "Plant More Trees ' should not remain a mere slogan but become a religion and creed with all to us. We all should plant and grow more and more trees, and protect them. Social forestry should be taken on a large scale, and trees grown all around where there is space to them. Trees add to the quality to our life and living. Without trees and forests there would be deserts and desolation all around us.

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