Monday, November 19, 2012

Can It Be Recycled ?

Shredded Paper
Yes, in many cases. Some local authorities will accept shredded paper with your regular kerbside collections or at your nearest paper bank.

How should I recycle it?
 Some local authorities will accept shredded paper together with your other paper items via your local authority’s kerbside collections or at your nearest paper bank. If so:
  • Make sure it is free of plastic.
  • Don't put it loose into open recycling boxes as it will blow away!
Other local authorities ask for shredded paper to be recycled in the cardboard recycling banks only. Check your local authority’s website, or give them a ring to make sure.

If your local authority does not accept shredded paper, then either don't shred it (if appropriate) or give it to a private company to dispose of.

Understanding shredded paper issues
Some local authorities will not collect shredded paper. This is because although, technically, shredded paper can be recycled, some paper mills cannot take it. There are two main reasons for this;
  • the average fibre length paper has decreases with shredding, and thus paper made from it will be weaker, and
  • shredded paper can be difficult to handle at the mill and depending on the equipment there, it can cause maintenance problems and fire hazards.
 What else can I do with it ?
Avoid it!

Avoid shredding your papers - unless you are worried about confidential information getting into the wrong hands. This will make the paper more easily recyclable.

Start recycling in the garden

1. Going greener in the garden
 Millions of tonnes of garden waste, such as grass cuttings, prunings and leaves, are sent to landfill sites each year – in fact it equates to filling the Royal Albert Hall with grass, twigs and leaves more than 70 times over!

Yet they’re a valuable source of nutrients which could be turned into something altogether more useful – COMPOST!

2. Things You can do

You could be...
  • setting up your new compost bin, or
  • breathing life into your borders with your own home-made compost, or
  • using peat-free compost containing recycled materials, or maybe
  • treating yourself to patio furniture made from recycled materials.
Whatever you are doing, you won't want to keep your garden a secret!

3. Start Composting

A third of the average household bin can be composted.  This includes:
  • fruit and vegetable peelings;
  • teabags;
  • cardboard and newspaper; and
  • your garden waste.
Best of all, it’s easy to do it yourself in a home composting bin.

Visit the Home Composting area to find out how to get started and some top tips for getting the best results. Within 6-9 months you’ll have top quality compost to dig into your soil and give your borders a boost!
Watch Diarmuid Gavin's video on how you can combat climate change in your own garden.

4. Save water
We can all do our bit to reduce the amount of water we use in our homes and gardens, yet maintain moisture levels in our soil.
  • Fit a nozzle on your hosepipe so you can control how much you use. 
  • Grey water (such as dishwater or water from washing vegetables) can be used to water plants as long as it’s allowed to cool, contains no chemicals and isn’t used on plants you intend to eat! 
  • Collect rainwater in a water butt. 
  • Use a soil conditioner or home made compost to aid moisture retention.
  • Choose plants which like dry conditions, such as grasses, herbs and succulents.
5. Get creative
There’s not much in our homes that can’t be put to a good use in the garden!
  • Empty plastic drinks bottles cut in half make great planters or bird feeders
  • Seedlings can be planted in empty yoghurt pots, egg cartons or cardboard toilet roll tubes. 
  • String old CD's or milk bottle tops together to scare the birds away.
  • Fill in gaps in your lawn by using grass seeds sowed on used tea-bags!

What shall I do next?

There are lots of different options for recycling in your garden.  Why not take a look at these:

Plant More Trees

There is no denying the importance of trees. They are important to maintain the ecological balance and an important source of energy. But over the years, several commercial activities have lead to deforestation at a massive scale. The result, we all know, is less forest cover and a poor ecological balance. So, if you wish to save the earth and the environment, it is high time you start planting more trees right away.
Plants and trees are intimately connected with our life and well-being. It boons and benefits derived from them are too many to count. They provide shelter, food, fruits, fodder, wood, timber, medicine, oxygen; check soil- erosion, pollution and floods. They also check very effectively the spread of the desert and landslides. They are essential to maintain ecological balance and preservation of fauna. "Plant More Trees ' should not remain a mere slogan but become a religion and creed with all to us. We all should plant and grow more and more trees, and protect them. Social forestry should be taken on a large scale, and trees grown all around where there is space to them. Trees add to the quality to our life and living. Without trees and forests there would be deserts and desolation all around us.

Ten Things To Save The Environment

Save the environment. But how? Well, this is not as complicated a task as it seems to be. There are a few simple things that you can do for the same.

Start cutting down on the amount of waste that you create. Whether it is food, packing, making something or any other thing, make sure that you have minimum waste to look after.

Reduce the amount of water you use. There are so many simple ways of doing so like closing the taps each time, using water sprinklers instead of hosepipe or washing the car weekly instead of doing it daily.

Think carefully before using paper. Do you really need to print that mail? Do you really need sticky notes for everything? Do you need to write down everything on paper? Perhaps not!

Stop using plastic. There is no reason for you to use plastic bags when you have environment friendly options like jute bags and paper bags. Take your bag along every time you go shopping and do not ask for plastic bags.

Rely more on technology. You could opt for a video conference instead of spending fuel to travel all the way for a meeting. You could make your diary on your PC instead of writing down everything on paper. This way you will be able to save a lot on natural resources.

Give your car a break. There is no need for you to take your car everywhere. You can switch to public transport or even consider walking if you need to travel a short distance. This will not just save the environment but your money too.

Recycle is the word if you wish to save the environment. No matter what it is, try to recycle it in the best manner possible. You can recycle glass, paper, cans, cardboard, cloth and everything else. This reduces wastage and helps save the environment.

Stop putting your electrical appliances on standby. It is always better to switch off the appliances when they are not in use. Even when your electrical appliances are on standby, they do consume some energy. This goes for your television, computer, video game consoles and everything else.

You can minimize the use of the heater during the winter season. Cover yourself up with more warm clothes and you will not find the need to switch on the heater so often. Put on the jumper suit or wear more layers of cloths and you are sure to stay warm.

There are others ways of entertainment and recreation than watching TV or playing videogames. You can go for a walk, play an outdoor sport or simply read a book. This way you will not just save electricity but will also be able to do something more productive.

Try these simple and easy things and you will surely do a great deal in saving the environment.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wireless Sensor Networks " Mesh Networking"


  • Self-forming, Self-healing
  • Low-power (5+ years of Battery-life)
  • Flexible Topologies – Including Star, Hybrid-Star and Mesh
XMesh is a full featured multi-hop, ad-hoc, mesh networking protocol developed by Crossbow for wireless networks. An XMesh network consists of nodes (Motes) that wirelessly communicate to each other and are capable of hopping radio messages to a base station where they are passed to a PC or other client. The hopping effectively extends radio communication range and reduces the power required to transmit messages.
By hopping data in this way, XMesh can provide two critical benefits, improved radio coverage and improved reliability. Two nodes do not need to be within direct radio range of each other to communicate. A message can be delivered to one or more nodes in-between which will route the data. Likewise, if there is a bad radio link between two nodes, that obstacle can be overcome by rerouting around the area of bad service. Typically the nodes run in a low power mode, spending most of their time in a sleep state, in order to achieve multi-year battery -life.
XMesh is a software library, using the TinyOS operating system that runs on embedded devices called Motes. All wireless mesh networking systems share a set of common requirements. These include:

  • Low-power Consumption
  • Ease-of-Use
  • Scalability
  • Responsiveness
  • Range
XMesh Key Features:

  • Reliable, Multi-hop Mesh Networking
  • Self-forming and Self-healing Network
  • Star, Hybrid-star (ZigBee) and Mesh Topology for Entirely Battery Operated Networks
  • Over-the-Air Programming (XOtap)
  • Fully Bi-Directional Communication with Fast Response Times
  • 802.15.4 /ZigBee Support Eset Nod32 username password

100% working eset nod32 username and password from